Thursday, August 7, 2008

It's that time again, Aunt Dottie's back

Dear Aunt Dottie,

I noticed you decided to visit me today, I was so happy when I saw you. I knew I could defeat you (thanks to my friends at am more prepared than ever! I am in control of YOU! I changed my basal dosage to 8.0 from 4-6 am; for some odd reason YOU make my fasting bg's higher than normal. I will not allow you to ruin my bg's for the next 7 days, just because God invited you to visit, doesn't mean I will let you bring the DEVIL out; I was already mean to my Husband because of you. I want you to stop beating my body up and sending me through an emotional roller coaster. I am in control of you. I suggest you fix your attitude or pack your bags and leave...


Darn....I forgot I can't check you out! you'll be back next month!