Last night I was putting the finishing touches for an article I am
putting in the TuDiabetes Newsletter and I had to pull out my medical
records to confirm my diagnosis date, medication and first lab results.
Wow! It was a shocker. I wanted to cry all over again. My first
reading on a glucose meter was 400. My first A1c was 14.5 and my first
fasting bg's were 335 (I maybe a digit off).
Looking back, my body was crying out for help and I didn't know it and
by the Grace of God I did not ignore the yeast infection I had, if I
did I would have ended up in the hospital!
I am the type of person who doesn't like to dig around in the past. I
like to look towards the future. I am glad I took a look at my medical
records. I have come a long way. It allowed me to see where I've been;
I don't want go back there. My A1c is 6.3! Thank you Jesus... I am in
Be Blessed
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Thank God you now know what you are dealing with. Today you are doing your best every day to manage your diabetes so you be a healthy mom and wife for a very, very, very long time!
It is such an honor to know someone like you!
I don't like to focus on the months before diagnosis either... but sometimes it gets to me-- thinking how long I ignored the screams that my body was making and the damage that those months might have done, BUT I'm glad that you listened to your body and followed up on it! I have become much more attentive since then!
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