Tuesday, July 29, 2008

321 OMG!!!

For dinner I decided to eat 2 hot dogs, 2 pieces of Sara Lee weight loss wheat bread (18g per 2 slices) and a chips (14g), that was around 6:45,not bad, I bolused for it. I just checked my bg's, PDM read 321!!! I freaked out I ran to my husband and said you will not believe how high my bg's are... I told him 321 and he couldn't believe it. I checked my cannula, it was still in! I took a closer look at my site (stomach) and there was a huge blood clot! It was gross!!! My husband said it's the price you pay. My
reply was it's worth it. I am not sure what caused my site to have a blood clot... I hope my bg's go down soon, if not it'll be a long night.

Be Blessed
Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Freedom, I broke away for 1 day

This weekend was great! Friday I went to Dairy Queen and had some onion rings and a hot fudge sundae! I bolused accordingly. My bg's elevated to 225...wow! Normally I would have been mad at myself for "Cheating" but I felt free eating like everyone else. It felt good to break away from my diabetic thoughts.."No ice cream, cake or sugar" I don't make a habit of "Cheating" but I enjoyed it! I think every once in a while we should break free, have that one thing we've been dying to have but make sure you enjoy it in moderation! I had a wonderful day on Friday...

Friday, July 25, 2008

Winding down

This week has been busy! My mother in law came in town on Sunday and
my week has pretty much been none stop!!!! I have developed bags under
my eyes from staying up late! The good thing about staying up late is
being able to prevent high fasting Bg's!! I am proud to say I've only
had 1 high fasting BG this week! Go, Cherise...I am proud of myself.

Be blessed
From my iPhone

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fasting Bg's

It's been a busy week for me! My mother in-law is visiting from MO! I am glad she is here, she's such a big help! She takes such good care of me! I come home from work...house is cleaned! She even fixed my lunch the other night...lol She said I needed a break because I work to hard; I wish my 2 year old thought like that. Mother's never get a break.

I have started walking every night; I should never had stopped. I was having issues with my fasting BG's, I knew if I walked a mile before bed my fasting Bg's would be under 100; I was right! why did I ever stop??? The other night I forgot to lower my basal rate and I dropped in the middle of the night. I had to walk around the house searching for glucose tablets! My Husband said, "Baby, you need to keep those tablets next to the bed." I know I need to be more careful. I get a little confused setting my night time basal rate. I do good all day but my fasting BG's are terrible. I thing still has me guessing all the time! I am taking baby steps, I am going to get this night time BASAL rate down! I hope I am not the only person who is having this issue! Do you have a bed time routine you follow to keep your fasting BG's below 100?

Sunday, July 20, 2008

No worries

I took Niya and Quyncee to take pictures. I watched Niya pose and it
almost made me cry! My little girl is growinge has no worries, cares,
pretty much care free. Gosh! I hope she doesn't become diabetic.
As I watched her I wondered what it would be like not to worry about
testing my bg's, going to the Endo ever 3 months, not counting carbs,
not exercising...did I mention remembering to bolus!


What I would give to have 1 day of no worries....

*back to reality*

I complain about having diabetes every once in a blue moon, I
wouldn't change it for the world.


If anyone finds a cure.. I want to be placed on the list...hahaha! I'm
Diabetic not Crazy!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Just curious...How durable is the OmniPod?

I am not sure if anyone else was curious to know how durable the POD is; I was. Quyncee (daughter, 13 yrs old non diabetic) was curious to see how the POD worked, so she tried to take the POD apart. She threw the Pod on tile floor and on the concrete,it still didn't open. I was amazed how a little piece of plastic can be so durable. Quyncee was getting frustrated she she try to pry it open with a screw driver, still no luck. I told her to grab a knife, it opened. I can't believe what was inside; I wish I would've thought of it. Quyncee discovered that the 4 batteries control the wheel, which pushes the insulin down the cannula. The cannula is inserted into your skin w/ a spring. Quyncee tried to figure out how to remake the pod, she couldn't find it. I told her it would be impossible to do because of trademark issues. I asked her if she would recommend the OmniPod to someone looking for a pump, she said she would. Quyncee couldn't believe a small Pod could function the way it does. I am shocked she took so much interest in seeing how the product worked, after all we know what teenagers are into these days.

To sum it all up, if the OmniPod can stand up to Niya (2 year old)poking and kicking it. I think it's a worthy product. Don't get me wrong, I have had a few bad Pods but the pro's of this product out weigh having a bad Pod every once in a while.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Bla, Bla...blog

Last week was a relaxing week! I started the week of very positive! I didn't let my job get to me! I tried to keep a positive frame of mind; easier said than done. I think sometimes people tend to try me but I let it go one ear and out the other!
I had a lot of high fasting bg's, not sure why! I didn't let me it bother me. I figure if it was high Sunday morning I would adjust. Well guess what....this AM it was 114. Last night when I went to bed my bg's were 90!!! I figure the Dawn P is getting the best of me. I'll get it together, no worries

Last Tuesday was Pod change night. I changed my POD went to bed. I heard peep, peep, peep. I got out of the bed, went by my PDM and it read change pod; heck I just put in 150 units in this new pod! I called Insulet and I told them what happened. The Rep asked what I was doing when the alarm went off, I let her know I was laying down. I asked the Rep what could've caused the Pod to alarm. She said she didn't know but it happens sometimes. I let her know I just changed my Pod, she said she would send me another one. I am glad she will be sending a replacement Pod but what about the insulin that was wasted!?! I am thankful for the replacement Pod's but I have to figure out away to get a vial of extra insulin to cover me for Pod changes. I'll talk to my Endo about this when I go back next month.

Looking back

Last night I was putting the finishing touches for an article I am
putting in the TuDiabetes Newsletter and I had to pull out my medical
records to confirm my diagnosis date, medication and first lab results.
Wow! It was a shocker. I wanted to cry all over again. My first
reading on a glucose meter was 400. My first A1c was 14.5 and my first
fasting bg's were 335 (I maybe a digit off).
Looking back, my body was crying out for help and I didn't know it and
by the Grace of God I did not ignore the yeast infection I had, if I
did I would have ended up in the hospital!
I am the type of person who doesn't like to dig around in the past. I
like to look towards the future. I am glad I took a look at my medical
records. I have come a long way. It allowed me to see where I've been;
I don't want go back there. My A1c is 6.3! Thank you Jesus... I am in

Be Blessed
Sent from my iPhone

Monday, July 14, 2008

Can you Die from Diabetes?

The other day my little brother (15 years old) asked me if I could die
from diabetes, he caught me off guard! I didn't except that to come
put of his mouth...I think he just wanted to hear me preach...LOL
No, I will not die because of diabetes but there are people who die
from complications caused by diabetes.
Diabetes doesn't kill, WE cause self inflected wounds. If people who
have diabetes embrace it, learn about it and become pro active about
their health and nutrition they would have a slim chance of developing

I hate boring my family with diabetes talk!

Test, Count Carbs, blood work and countless Doctor's appointment's is
worth my life, my limbs and my eyesight...don't you agree??

Diabetes doesn't control me, I control it!

Be Blessed
Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Bla, Bla...blog

Last week was a relaxing week! I started the week of very positive! I didn't let my job get to me! I tried to keep a positive frame of mind; easier said than done. I think sometimes people tend to try me but I let it go one ear and out the other!
I had a lot of high fasting bg's, not sure why! I didn't let me it bother me. I figure if it was high Sunday morning I would adjust. Well guess what....this AM it was 114. Last night when I went to bed my bg's were 90!!! I figure the Dawn P is getting the best of me. I'll get it together, no worries

Last Tuesday was Pod change night. I changed my POD went to bed. I heard peep, peep, peep. I got out of the bed, went by my PDM and it read change pod; heck I just put in 150 units in this new pod! I called Insulet and I told them what happened. The Rep asked what I was doing when the alarm went off, I let her know I was laying down. I asked the Rep what could've caused the Pod to alarm. She said she didn't know but it happens sometimes. I let her know I just changed my Pod, she said she would send me another one. I am glad she will be sending a replacement Pod but what about the insulin that was wasted!?! I am thankful for the replacement Pod's but I have to figure out away to get a vial of extra insulin to cover me for Pod changes. I'll talk to my Endo about this when I go back next month.

Be Blessed

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I made a mistake and I was corrected by Omnipod

I came home from work and my little brother said, "A lady from Riverside County called, she is suppose to call you back in 15 minutes."

The phone rang...

I took the phone from my little brother...

"Hello Cherise, my name is Debbie (Deb)I am the Omnipod Rep for your area."

My first thought was...How did you find me?

She said, "Omnipod keeps a database of all the omnipod users." Oh! makes since right...

The next thing she said was I read your blog and I have a lot of Omnipod users in Arizona and they don't have any issues with the OmniPod staying on during the summer heat. She said there are a few other things I could use when I am in Arizona or Hot weather, alcohol pads are good but you have to use Skin Prep or IV Prep to keep the skin nice and sticky. She said if I have any other issues to call the 800 number and they can help me or call my Endo, they will contact her. I let her know I didn't have any other issues with the OmniPod. I really like using it. She said she uses the Omnipod and has issues with it but it's still a new product.

To sum everything up...I am sorry for blasting Omnipod's adhesive! if I never would have posted the blog I wouldn't have known about Deb and my question wouldn't have been answered. Now I know what to use for my POD in extreme heat and so do you!!!

Thank you Debbie:)

You never know who's reading what you are blogging about...lol

Monday, July 7, 2008

Good to be Home

I had a Great time in Surprise, AZ...lol Your not seeing anything...there is a Surprise, AZ! I needed to get away from California for a while. My Husband and I went on a date while we were there, we went to go see the movie "Wanted"...if you like action you have to see it. I value the time I have with my Husband...

While in AZ...My bg's were wacko the whole time. I am not sure why! I ate low carb burgers w/ side salads and still had high numbers...I am not going to stress out about it! I don't go out of town much...come to think of it I had an eye infection that may have caused my high numbers.

My next issue would be the Omnipod, the adhesive didn't stick good while I was there...I know it was extremely HOT! You would think Insulet tested their product in extreme heat...wouldn't they??? If I were living in AZ I would have to really think about the using the OmniPod during pool parties and BBQ's in the summer; better yet I wouldn't have put a POD on, I would have injected insulin instead of using the POD. Lesson learned...

Saturday, July 5, 2008

112 degree's vs OmniPod Adhesive

I am in AZ on vacation and Eboni (Best Friend) invited my family to a pool party for the 4th. I enjoyed myself, I put my feet in the pool and I relaxed a little. Niya was adorable in her life preserver swim suit. Watching her made me realize how much I enjoy being a MOM.

Back to the story...Arizona is extremely hot this time on the year, I know my body poured out over a gallon of sweat. I would love to tell you that the adhesive on my POD held up but it did not. The top of my OmiPod is barely hanging on, I kinda wonder how the POD can stand being under water or even in the bath tub w/o adhesive wearing away...who knows maybe it's the salt from the sweat that caused the adhesive to wear, any thoughts???

I am enjoying myself on my much needed vacation...I was able to eat at one of my FAV-O-Rite places last night...Long Horn Steakhouse; I haven't eaten there in 2 yrs (there isn't one in California)...yummy for my tummy! eating there made me miss Missouri.

Be Blessed

I will post pic's when I get back to California

Friday, July 4, 2008

First vacation with my Pod

Happy 4th of July!!!! I am in Surprise, AZ visiting my BSF (Best
Sister Friend) for the holiday weekend! It's very relaxing!

I am also happy and proud to say I am going to be a god mom in 8
months!!!! I am proud of Eboni!!!

This is the first time I've traveled with Pod! I did good packing! I
packed 2 extra Pod's, Lantas, Humalog (insulin pen), glucose tablets,
alcohol pads and needles.

My BG's when I left yesterday morning was 80. I ate a peanut butter
sandwhich and 3 hours later... My bg was 200; holy crap what did I
do?? I bolused and ate a snack!!! 2 hours later 249; is my Pod working??

4 hours later...bg's 71, yes, no Pod change! Yes....

I ate dinner, watched movies, ate 40g of carbs....4 hours later 200
again, what's going on??? I bolused
I woke up this morning 113. I told myself not to stress because Aunt
Dottie is here again.

Have a safe and happy holiday!!

Be Blessed
Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I am in the process of getting a CGM and I have been hearing maybe 1 or 2 people here and there who have been approved for them, everyone else has been denied!!!!
How can insurance companies deny something that would benefit the control of DIABETES? if your thinking you don't know...you aren't alone.

Let's stand up to ALL of the insurance companies who thinks of us as just another dollar!!! Heck, we pay them...they don't pay us!!!!