Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

I felt her grow inside of me, an occasional kick reassured me she
would be ok.
November 29, 2005, she arrived... Niya Elizabeth. Pale skin and curley
black hair... I held, kissed and loved here at first sight! I knew I
had to be the BEST Mother I could be. There isn't a book that can
prepare you for Motherhood, everyone is different, every parenting
stlye doesn't work.
I wasnt prepared for the sleepness nights...God and my Husband helped
me make it. The poop diapers, spoiled milk smell and the instant cry
she makes when she can't get her way.
I enjoy being a Mother!!! I watch her as she plays, sings her ABC's,
color in her coloring book. She is trying to gain her independence;
it's cute but a little scary at times.
She is only 2 years old but she is growing up before my eyes, I love
her and I thank her for allowing me to be the Best mother I can be;
without her I wouldn't have the honor of being told Happy Mother's Day
again and again!
I pray to God I will have many more to come.