Saturday, May 31, 2008

Going Good, Still Steady

I have been using the OmniPod for almost a month, I still like it has much as I thought I would. I am trying to be creative on where to place Polly Pod. I woke up this morning, decided to have Quyncee help place Polly Pod on my back, close to my bra strap. I like it there so far. No bad pods yet!!! My Bg's are staying between 90-100 fasting,post meals 75-100 and sometimes 1 or 2 creep up in the 150's. The good thing is I don't get stressed out, I chalk it up as a learning experience. I haven't had to change my basal setting's. I have changed my carb to insulin ratio from 1 to 18 to 1 to 15. Carb ratio 1 to 15 allows me to have better control. I called OmniPod a week ago to have the PathFinder software sent to me and I still haven't received it yet. I need to call them first thing Monday. I am curious to see what my numbers look like on paper!!! Overall I gave OmniPod 10 out of 10.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Itch Is Gone....

The itch is gone, the itch is gone baby!!! The last 3 days w/ the OmniPod has been terrible, terrible not because of the Pod or the PDM, but terrible because of where I chose to place the POD. I placed it on my lower back (left side) and I hated it! I think it's odd because I loved it on the right. It was very irritating on the left. I will never place it there again!!! Amen to a 3 day site change; if it was permanent I would be in a DIABETIC COMA. I would have pulled Polly POD off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 26, 2008

"America's Freedom Comes at A Cost"-Bush

I was actually going to write a blog about a movie I rented last night, but when I was logging onto the internet I saw a quote from George Bush; just saying his name makes me cringe. I know we are all entitled to our on political views, but America has lost so many men and women to a senseless war.
I hated when my Husband had to leave home to go to Iraq for 15 months. I hated not knowing if he would come home safe. I didn't like to keep a thought in the back of my head---that he may not come home....This war has screwed up so many lives, marriages, children and family it's unreal.
I support my Husband and of the other men and women who sacrifice their lives to make sure WE are FREE from terrorist and whoever else. I don't support a man who is trying to play god. Bush falsified records stating there were weapons of mass destruction...what a bunch of crap.
I don't how Bush can look at the Soldiers, Sailors, Airman and Marines in the eye....Well, I am getting furious just thinking about it so I am going to end this blog...Bush only has a few months in office...Yippee!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Today, I am sitting at home watching Niya play. She really amazes me sometimes. I took her shopping. She picked out a book, shorts and a tank top. I can not believe she is going to be 3 soon. It's only 64 degrees here in SO CAL, gas is $4.05 a gallon...what is a girl to do??? Scott and Quyncee went to see the movies. TV is terrible and I can't go to Borders to get a book because Niya is in her restless stage. What a way to kick off the weekend..bored and at home.
Friday, Scott treated Quyncee and I to a manicure and a pedicure....awe! so relaxing. Just to be able to sit and do nothing...awe! Thank you Scott!! I enjoyed every moment of it...

Monday, May 19, 2008

F/up with Endo tomorrow

My one week appointment is tomorrow!!! I am excited I want to see how good I did w/ Polly Pod. I went running and I used the temp basal setting...I love it!!! I have heard a lot of bad things about the POD for example bad pods. I can only speak for myself... as of now I haven't had any problems. If I do start having them, God will help me get through it...all man made objects have some type of flaws.....right? I know from experience you can not trust gadgets including pumps and or PODs.
Wish me luck...

Be Blessed

Sunday, May 18, 2008

My Niya

2 years old, Niya wants to be like her mother. She asked for a band aid to cover the left side of her tummy; she said she had a stomach ache. The band aid symbolizes the white pod I wear on my stomach she knows I can't take it off. Niya rubs the Pod everyday for a few seconds, saying Poor Mom. I guess I should have never under estimated her. She is a smart cookie....she picks up on things very fast.

Some may say, "Why do you let her see you inject your insulin?" I let her see because I have nothing to hide. I chose to educate her about diabetes at a young age. I am not ashamed. I do explain why I have to inject myself. Niya may not understand right now, but in a few years she will. She'll understand why Mom can't eat cake at a friends birthday party or why Mom can't eat funnel cake at the amusement park.

I know God is the ultimate decision maker. I pray my daughter will miss one trait that I have and that's being a diabetic---if diabetes finds it's way to her, I will be able to teach her and guide her, because I've been there and still will be going through it. I love her, just like any other parent....I don't want to see my baby go through the high's and low's of diabetes.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


At 3am yesterday morning....I heard an alarm going off; not sure what it was. I went back to sleep. 4am I heard the alarm again...5am alarm again, I went down stairs to check my BG's and it was 78 but my PDM to my POD read..."POD expires at 2:00pm on 5-16-08". How cool is that??? I know some people may think I am a little crazy; I think this POD is the greatest thing since slice bread, colored TV and Cold Stone Creamery (they have ice cream sweetened w/ splenda, I go every once in a while). I haven't dropped since the first day I started and I haven't been over 130:) I am so excited. Changing the POD was easy, I checked my BG's throughout the day to make sure I was getting insulin; I was:)


How does my family feel about the new addition to our family?

My Scott (husband) and Quyncee (daughter) came home last night. I had the chance to introduce them to my new friend (Polly Pod); I decided to name it since it has to be on me. My husband is excited. He didn't like me injecting myself. I think he is a little nervous for me. I let him know I would be ok. He is such a helpful person. Gosh I love my Husband:)


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

24 hrs later

I know I made the right choice by choosing the OmniPod! I like it. The Pod is comfortable and I can't feel it when I sleep. I took a shower and it still is hanging on. I had to lows, 1 before breakfast and 1 right before lunch; I gave myself too much insulin, I didn't need to do a bolus for snack. For the most numbers are looking good. I might have to lower my morning basal dosage.
I went to see a dietitian today, she had a lot of information and she informed me on a lot of new things; I haven't been to a dietitian since I was first diagnosed. I didn't know you are suppose to subtract the fiber from Carbs and a person should only have 3g of fat per 100 calories. I didn't know that Did you???
I showed all of my co-workers my POD. Genifer (buddy) asked, "What happens when you have relations?" I replied, "It stays on." LOL She said, "It wouldn't bother you." I said, "Nope, Scott (husband) doesn't care about my Pod." I thought that was funny, LOL.

Be Blessed

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I am a Pod wearer! The site shown above is my stomach (first Pod site). So far so good! I am still a little confused on a few things but I'll figure them out as I go along. I can swim, bike ride and whatever else I want

My NP was really helpful. The hardest thing for me to do was tell the PDA to insert the cannula; the fear if the unknown. YIPPEE, It was pretty much pain free. I was amazed, it did not hurt. MDI's (multiple daily injections) hurt at times, I really disliked injecting myself 4 times a day. I can eat and sleep w/o worrying about a shot.

I am a little stuck on stupid when it comes to the basal settings; I will understand more and more the longer I use the Pod. I have to get use to the PDA thinking for me and not to over think everything. I am going to have a list of questions prepared for my next appointment.

I told my NP how nervous and excited I am about using the Pod. He reassured me I would get it down pat. I know I will get frustrated, I will hang in there. I know I made the right choice for myself .


Monday, May 12, 2008


Tomorrow is the start of the Omnipod system...If I told you I wasn't nervous I would be telling a fib. I am still new to the whole insulin thing; trying to get the lingo down. Basal, Bolus, Carb to insulin ratio...Dang, my poor little head is pounding. What if I don't or I can't get this thing down, Did I choose the right system? I ask myself...I guess I will not know until I start using the POD. I think sometime we wish and want something so bad and when we get it, it doesn't live up to the hype; I pray to God that isn't the case.
I miss the days I was taking metformin and glipizide. I miss not watching carbs or checking my Bg's, that was my past, the omnipod and insulin is my future. I have come to except it. The Omnipod is apart of my family! I have to stop getting nervous, trust myself and God; he hasn't brought me this far to leave me. Later...

Be Blessed


I love to wake up on Mondays, drink a glass of water and eat a hearty
breakfast!!!! Sike. I wish everyday could be Saturday and Sunday... My
job is alright but I prefer some family time more than upset people.
Gotta love customer service! I am glad I don't get the angry Patient
all the time. I do like helping people out. I just have to remind
myself one day I may be in their position. I can't speak for others,
only myself:) I treat peple how I want to ne treated and if they
choose to treat me bad that's on them.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phili 4:13
Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

I felt her grow inside of me, an occasional kick reassured me she
would be ok.
November 29, 2005, she arrived... Niya Elizabeth. Pale skin and curley
black hair... I held, kissed and loved here at first sight! I knew I
had to be the BEST Mother I could be. There isn't a book that can
prepare you for Motherhood, everyone is different, every parenting
stlye doesn't work.
I wasnt prepared for the sleepness nights...God and my Husband helped
me make it. The poop diapers, spoiled milk smell and the instant cry
she makes when she can't get her way.
I enjoy being a Mother!!! I watch her as she plays, sings her ABC's,
color in her coloring book. She is trying to gain her independence;
it's cute but a little scary at times.
She is only 2 years old but she is growing up before my eyes, I love
her and I thank her for allowing me to be the Best mother I can be;
without her I wouldn't have the honor of being told Happy Mother's Day
again and again!
I pray to God I will have many more to come.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Here are the pic's of the omnipod and the PDA. I will be using this in
3 days!!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Mother's Day

My daughter had a Mother's Day tea today at her daycare! I had a ball!
The best part of it all was the cute photo album Niya made for me. I
treasure everday with her; even though she can be a handful.

The school also honored my request for sugar free tea! Last year I
wasn't able to drink it because of the sugar. I didn't want to turn
Niya down this year when she tries to bring mr something to drink. LOL
I did turn the sugar cookie down.

My Mom called me this morning, she asked what I wanted for M-Day. I
found a nice company, they have affordable
medical bracelets. She bought me a new diabetic ID bracelet. I can't
wait to get it!!! I have to wait 3 long weeks!

Tuesday will be here soon!!!! I will be a Pod wearer

Be Blessed
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phili 4:13

Thursday, May 8, 2008

My Prince.

I kissed him good bye as he walked out the door and into a Yukon; I
miss my Husband already! He is my support system and I have to be
strong! The good thing is, I can talk his ear off when he calls; I'm
good at that!!!!

I hope time flies bye, they usually drag. I have Niya to keep me busy.


Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

It's here

I am so excited and I just can't hide omnipod just arrived and
I think I like it...hahhaahha

I'm surprise the Pod came today...I thought it would arrive tomorrow,
no complaints here! Haahha I screamed my lungs out when I saw the box
sitting at my front door!! It's a pretty neat gadget. I am excited to
start using it on Tuesday; I have to take a 4 hour class at my Endo's
office before I can start using it.

I'll add some pic's once I get everything settled...

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phili 4:13

5:45 am

It's early here, good thing the alarm clock went off, my Bg's are low;
I hate being low! My legs shake and I get overly excited about
everything. I am shocked I am low.

Last night I decided to have sum 10 chicken nuggets (5=15g) and about
10 French fries (22g); yummy for my tummy! My before bed bg's was 195
after almost 2 hours...just have to watch it! Luckly I don't eat
nuggets and fries all the time or I need to make sure I take more than
5 units of insulin---I thought 5 units would be enough.
Work is going to be a little crazy for the rest of the week! We are
short staffed. Lord, please give me the strength to make it at work w/
o killing anyone ( just a figure of speech). Cause I am going to need
you today; like everyday.

Stress messes w/ my Bg's and I don't need that today!

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phili 4:13
Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

2 Days Left

I am excited!!! My Omnipod will be arriving at my front door in 2 days!!! If I were good at telling lies I would call in, but I'm not:(

I am a little nervous. What if the Omnipod isn't what I thought it would be???? what if it's a piece of junk. How long will it take for me to gain my BG control again??? So many questions and they will all be answered sooner than later.

I am glad that I will not have to inject myself 4 times a day!!! I can fall asleep w/o worrying about a shot. I can go out to dinner w/o worrying about needles. The best thing out of it all is....Niya will not raise her shot up and say, "Mommy, I want a shot." I told my Husband, Niya will grow up thinking her Mom was a junkie...hahhaha

Excited and Patiently waiting

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Don't talk about it....

I called my Mom to tell her about this strawberry stand we have. I let her know they would make good strawberry shortcakes. My Mom asked me not to talk about it because she is on a "SLIM FOR LIFE" diet. My Momma offended me...don't talk about it!!! Heck, I have been a diabetic for a while and no one alters their conversation about food for me; not that I would ask them to!!!

I can't believe her....Let's talk about all of those Sunday dinners where I had to count the number of potatoes I ate, the small piece of cornbread I barely could eat, the peach cobbler's, apple pies, strawberry sundae's, etc....DON'T TALK ABOUT IT!!!!!

Let's not talk about it...


My Story-

I went to the Doctor's office in 2004; I had a yeast infection. The my Judy (Nurse Practitioner) asked, "Do you have extreme thirst, frequent urination?"; I had both. She said, "I bet you have are too old to have Type 1 (23 yrs old) and you don't fit the normal Type 2." She pulled out a meter to check my BG's (blood sugar), the meter read 454.

I started to cry; my husband had just went to back to Iraq, what was I going to do? Judy put me on glizipized, did lab work and I left.

As soon as I got into the car I called my mom. She said she should have known I had diabetes...she couldn't put 2 and 2 together. She helped me compose myself, informed me on what she knew about diabetes.

1 week later by lab work came back. Judy said, "I am confused, I've never seen anything like this. You are different. The medication for Type 2 is working for you, your labs suggest are aren't producing as much insulin as you should be. I am sending you to an Endocrinologist.

2 weeks later, My first appointment to see Dr. Menon. He asked me if I was taking any medication. He looked at me and said, "I know you have Type 1.5/LADA, I need to run test to confirm this." I have never heard of Type 1.5 before in my life!!!! He said," The medication is going to work for you for a little while but eventually you will insulin dependent. I can not tell you how soon you would need the insulin, I will continue to keep you on oral medication until you require insulin."

I went home looked up Type 1.5 on the Internet, changed my diet brought my A1C down from 14.5 to 5.4.

That was almost 4 years ago...

In December of 2007, I noticed my BG's were getting a little out of control; I would only eat 2 carb choices (30g of carbs) and my readings would read 200. I called my new NP and she said maybe I had an infection; test came back negative for infection. I called back a week later; fasting BG's 150 and above. We thought I could be pregnant; not the case. She added metformin before lunch to my already 2 glipizde's bid (2.5mg), 2 metformin's bid (500mg). I called her back a week later; med's still not working. I asked her to put a referral in for me to see a Endo. I went to see NP at the Endo's office and he changed my medication again; still didn't work. I told Wesley I was DX w/ Type 1.5/LADA. He ran GAD65 test and told me I am now a Type 1 diabetic because my antibodies attacked my immune system. I was placed on Lantus once a day at night; still didn't work, my Before and after meal BG's were still too high. I went back to the office and Wesley put me on Humolog 3x a day. He said I might want to start looking into insulin pumps.

I told him I was interested in the OMNIPOD system.

I went on You Tube and saw how the omnipod system worked; it's my best option. I put my authorization request in. I was denied ny my insurance because the only decumentation I sent is stated I was a Type 2 diabetic. I appealed the deniel and it was overturned. My Pod is due to arrive on Thursday. I am excited. No more MDI (multiple daily injections) for me.

I will keep you all posted on the OMNIPOD system and me just being who Iam and living w/ diabetes.

Be Blessed
