Saturday, July 19, 2008

Just curious...How durable is the OmniPod?

I am not sure if anyone else was curious to know how durable the POD is; I was. Quyncee (daughter, 13 yrs old non diabetic) was curious to see how the POD worked, so she tried to take the POD apart. She threw the Pod on tile floor and on the concrete,it still didn't open. I was amazed how a little piece of plastic can be so durable. Quyncee was getting frustrated she she try to pry it open with a screw driver, still no luck. I told her to grab a knife, it opened. I can't believe what was inside; I wish I would've thought of it. Quyncee discovered that the 4 batteries control the wheel, which pushes the insulin down the cannula. The cannula is inserted into your skin w/ a spring. Quyncee tried to figure out how to remake the pod, she couldn't find it. I told her it would be impossible to do because of trademark issues. I asked her if she would recommend the OmniPod to someone looking for a pump, she said she would. Quyncee couldn't believe a small Pod could function the way it does. I am shocked she took so much interest in seeing how the product worked, after all we know what teenagers are into these days.

To sum it all up, if the OmniPod can stand up to Niya (2 year old)poking and kicking it. I think it's a worthy product. Don't get me wrong, I have had a few bad Pods but the pro's of this product out weigh having a bad Pod every once in a while.


AmyT said...

Hey There!

I find the OP extremely durable. That's not to say that the cannula never pull out... it can happen, but the pod itself is very rugged.

Read more about my experiences with it here:

Also, would you consider adding to your blogroll?

Many Thanks!
- AmyT

Cherise said...

Amy I will add you to my blog roll! I thought my cannula came out once but it didn't. I think the Pod is