Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I changed my basal rate last night to .60 from 12-4am. Last night I had 2 salads w/ eggs and a little cheese, I also had 6 small wings. I woke up this morning hoping and wishing I would see something different, instead I saw something much higher, I haven't seen 156 in so long I thought it forgot about me....what the heck!!! I CAN'T GET MAD AT DIABETES...I AM FRUSTRATED WITH MYSELF...

Why did I double up on my BC pill's??? Am I that afraid of getting Prego??? lol, I'm not going to lie. I am not ready for another baby. I love my Daughter to death but no more babies right now.

I went to work and vomited by the entry way 4 times...Gross!!! Needless to say...I am at home sick...No shopping for me...I am hanging out w/ the TV, chicken noodle soup and the Internet.