Sunday, June 15, 2008

1 Month OmniPod Anniversary

June 13, 2008 marked my 1 month Anniversary of becoming a OmniPod user. I am happy with the OmniPod. I am Blessed, I haven't had any Pod failures, deathly highs or lows. I am Blessed, someone was smart enough to come up with a system that allows the Freedom of No wires. I am Glad I don't have to give myself injections anymore. I have learned a lot with the Pod. I am not ashamed to say I still have alot to learn.

I've learned:

With the correct basal setting's my fasting numbers can be controlled. I understand my settings may need to be adjusted again; I just have to roll with the punch(thanks to my friends at

God will never put more on me than I can bare, stand still and be patient.


I am happy that I am an OmniPod user and I am loving every moment of it!