Monday, June 30, 2008

Frustrated, I need a change

This morning I went to work with a positive frame of mind! as soon as
the phones started ringing, happy go lucky decided to leave me, and
in came frustration!

I would like to thank all of the referral's and compliants I received
today!!! Thank you for reassuring me
that I need a change work wise. I like my job but it's not a career.
I've been in the DME field for 6 yrs. I know it's time for a change.

I want a CAREER, is that wrong? I've trapped myself in the comfort
zone. I think we all do it in relationships, jobs and in life. Well
guess what... I am stepping out! I am tired of being in the "Comfort"
of my job.
I've always said, "I want to go back to school" and you know what...I

I am going to finish my New Student orientation and enroll in class
for the Fall semester. I know it's not going to be easy, but I can do
anything I set my mind to.

I hope your Monday was a lot better than mines...

"I can do all things through Christ who stregthens me."- Philip 4:13

Be Blessed
Sent from my iPhone

Sorry if my grammer is terrible:)

Sunday, June 29, 2008


Type 1, Type, 2 and Type 1.5/LADA...Do you feel alone, don't have anyone to talk about DIABETES or just trying to find someone who understands? Join

Do you have a Diabetic spouse, family member or a friend who you are trying to help, but they aren't trying to listen and feel like you want to Pull Your Hair Out? Join ( There is a group called Type 3 diabetic created with you in mind)

Do you like to cook and share recipes? Join

Children, Teenagers, Young Adults--I know it can be hard to have Diabetes at your age...We have a group for you at

CDE's, Doctor's, Endo's, Dentist, EMT's--Please visit!!

Athletes with Diabetes- We have a group for you also!!

Are you using a insulin pump, omnipod, injecting or taking oral medication??? Join

Do you need to vent about being a diabetic, your life or just need some one to talk to? Join

There are over 3,200 people at TuDiabetes, someone has either been through what your going through or who have gone throught it, WE understand the ups and downs of Diabetes. You shouldn't have to go through the journey alone and you don't have too!

I am Excited to share and invite you to the Best Kept Secret in the Diabetic! Please come join me at, I promise you will not regret it; I know don't.

There are 2 ways you see and be apart of the Community:

1. Click on the badge on the right side of my blog


2. Go to

If you have any questions let me know!!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Good Site, Gone Wrong

It looks like a bug bite, is it really? No. The picture you see above is a picture of where my OmniPod sat on my back.
Last night, after I ate dinner (two piece's of chicken tenders, 2 servings of broccoli with cheese) my BG's where 200; very high for what I ate. I had Quyncee look inside of the clear casing to make sure my cannula was still inserted. She said the cannula was still there but it had blood around it and look like a bug bite or a pimple gone wrong. I boloused off of the 200 reading and an hr later my BG's read 217...Ok, what's really going on? I can't be the only person who's had this problem...

I called Omnipod, was told to remove the Pod and to put a new one on. She said a new Pod would be on it's way. No matter what time of day I've called Insulet's customer service, I've always receive great customer service!!!!

I put a new Pod on. I checked my BG's an hour later back down to 157. I am so glad I didn't go to sleep, I would have been Trouble...maybe laying in the hospital.
I am glad I followed my first mind.

Have a Great Weekend.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Oh No! Hawaiian BBQ

Last night I had one of my favorite things to eat, Hawaiian BBQ! I
didn't indulge in it like I wanted to; I had 1 tablespoon of mac
salad and the rest was all meat.
Omg!! It was so good it made me want to smack my momma, but in
return it smacked me right in the face! I bolused for 40 carbs and 2
hours after dinner my BG's was 191!!!!
I tried to figure it out and what I didn't factor in was the hidden
sugar in the sauce!!! no dipping in the BBQ sauce and I didn't add extra sauce, I can tell the food is cooked in the sauce; I could tell. So, I bolused before bed and walked around the area and walked my stairs (16) 10 times up and down. I woke up this morning and my BG's were 104.I've come to this conclusion...I will not stop eating H-BBQ because I don't eat it all the time, I will figure out how to make sure I bolus correctly next time.

Be Blessed and Have a Happy Friday

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Til' Death Do Us Part and Diabetes has made Us stronger

My Husband amazes me. Since my Dx he has been supportive! He listens to me complain about Bg's and everything else associated with Diabetes. He sacrifices to make sure I am taken care of. I wake upand can't believe how lucky I am. God has truly Blessed me with a winner; he didn't get a bad catch either.

When I received the POD I was a little uncomfortable being in the nude around him, I didn't want him to look at me any different; I can't believe the thought crossed my mind. He didn't care, he loves me no matter what...Diabetes,Pod, Oral Meds or INJECTIONS.

Scott helped me place my Pod on my back; I know this is going to be a little crazy BUT it was one of the most gentle touches I have ever felt. **blushing**

I know our wedding vow's said, " Til Death Do Us Part." If I was diabetic when I was standing at the alter, I would have said, "Til Death Do us Part, through all of the Highs, Lows, Doc appointments and Diabetic tudes." hahahaha!

P.s. Do not try to battle Diabetes alone, it's almost impossible to do!
When it comes to coping w/ being a diabetic, educate your spouse (mate) and invite to them to join a support group or a few doctor appointments.

Take care and God Bless

Monday, June 23, 2008

I knocked my Pod off!!!

Sunday, I completed another site change. I decided to place Polly (omnipod) on my stomach; it's been on my back the last 3 times. I was sitting at the kitchen table reading a Glamour Magazine, the article with Charlize Theron was pretty good. I was getting up from the table, Polly got caught on the edge of the table, it came off, blood was coming from the cannula site. I know it sounds painful but it wasn't. I can't believe I actually ripped it off of my stomach after I filled it with 150 units of insulin and wasted a brand new POD!!!*laughing* I asked my husband if I should call Insulet, he said it was your fault not the Pods! You really can't blame me for wanting something for free, can you?

Happy Monday!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Dawn Phenomenon (DP), High Fasting BG's

Diabetes makes me feel like I am still in school, the only difference is Diabetes teaches me something new everyday...HAHAHA

At my last Endo visit I told Wesley that I was having extremely high fasting BG's. The only time I had high fasting BG's is when I first found out I was prego w/ Niya 2 yrs ago. I wasn't prego and I am not trying to get prego...not that it couldn't happen. God does what he wants to do, as much as we try to control things sometimes it's out of hands...LOL I jumped off the subject, that's another Blog Title. Anyway, back to the subject. Wesley said I was experiencing the Dawn Phenomenon. I've heard it mentioned a few times over at; I have never researched it. I've never experienced DP until recently. Wesley and I decided to up my basal setting from .50 at 12-6 AM to .60, I haven't had a high fasting BG in the AM since then. I have been averaging between 85-95; ahhh!! back to normal.
I did some research and I found out what DP was and I thought I would share it with everyone....

Introducing DP to some and refreshing other's memories:
Very high blood glucose in the early morning due to the release of certain hormones in the middle of the night. The body makes certain hormones called counterregulatory hormones, which work against the action of insulin. These hormones, which include glucagon, epinephrine, growth hormone, and cortisol, raise blood glucose levels, when needed, by signaling the liver to release more glucose and by inhibiting glucose utilization throughout the body.

In the middle of the night, there is a surge in the amount of growth hormone the body releases, followed by a surge in cortisol, which effectively cranks up glucose production in the liver, presumably to prepare the body for daytime activity after a period of fasting. In people who don't have diabetes, these processes are offset by increased insulin secretion by the pancreas, so blood glucose levels remain relatively stable. However, in people with Type 1 diabetes, whose pancreases don't make insulin, and in people with Type 2 diabetes, whose livers may not respond to insulin well enough to stop glucose production, changes in glucose metabolism during sleep can have a profound effect on morning blood glucose levels. Typically, the blood glucose level rises between 4 AM and 8 AM.

I received the above info from, click Diabetes Definitions.


If you are experiencing HIGH FASTING BG's please talk to your Healthcare Team. They will be able to adjust your medication or insulin as needed. LOL, I wouldn't want you stressing out like me for 2 weeks!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A sign, everything will be ok, have faith

I am not sure what the title of this blog entry should be, it'll come to me towards the end of me writing it...

I was having a GREAT day at work until my co-worker (my buddy) came to me and said "They gave me the F20 job." My first reaction probably wasn't the greatest. I was upset, I wasn't asked to take the position or even warned that someone else would be getting the job. I should've said, "I am proud, good luck." I opened my mouth and was a little harsh.
I was a little frustrated at the higher ups in my office. I can't blame my co-worker, it's not her fault, decisions were made and she agreed to take the position. Heck, if it was me getting a promotion and I've only been on a JOB for a little over a year, I would've took it!!! Business is Business...Right?

I realize what I want isn't what God has planned for me. I need to wait, be patient and put my Faith in God not in Man!!!

There were 4 people who walked in front of my car 3 different times, they waved and said sorry; if you've ever been to SO Cal, you know that never happens...people are rude...I knew God was sending me a sign telling me everything was going to be ok.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A1c results are in......

Wesley (Endo NP) walked in the office.....

Wesley: "Hello! what do you think your A1C is?"

Me: "I think it's 7.8."

Wesley: "Nope, it's 6.3."

Me: "Really??? Wow! I am surprised. I didn't think I did good. I have had a lot of high fasting numbers"

Wesley: "You are doing great."

Me: "I want to be at 5.9 next time."

I am excited and happy that my A1C dropped from 7.1 to 6.3 within 3 months. I have always been under 6.1 after my dx. In January my anti bodies started attacking my pancreas and I was placed on insulin. I guess this Pod has helped maintain good control.
I am doing well overall. I didn't have a lot of highs or lows. I told him I decided to go back to being semi-strict again, I let up just a little too much, once you start letting go it's a matter of time before you lose control; I don't want to lose control at all.
I am going back to dedicating 1 day a month to have something I really want and decreasing my carbs, no more than 30-35 per meal; of course I am going to have a snack in between. I am determined to see 5.6 again!! I know it's not going to be easy, but if the good Lord's willing I will see it again.

Happy to be under 6.5 (A1c), trying to achieve 5.6 again!! Send up your prayers cause I am going to need it

OmniPod PDM-Error

Before dinner I had to test my bg's, there's an error...My PDM says, "Remove POD, PDM error" Beep Beep...OMG! What do I do??? I have never had this issue before. Should I remove the POD? beep, beep!!! I can't get the PDM to stop beeping.
I noticed on the bottom of the PDM it says call insulet and it gave me a reference number.
I am trying to fix dinner, my family is staring at me!!!

I can't believe it, I jinxed myself;that's what I get for saying I haven't had any issues.

Katrina (Insulet): "Thank you for calling the Insulet Corp. How can I help you?"
Me: "Hello, I was testing my BG's and the PDM read---PDM error and starting alarming! I have never had this problem before."
Katrina: "Do you have a paper clip? You will have to take the back of the PDM off, it needs to be reset. Push in the little button underneath the battery."
Me: "Ok, will I lose all of my setting's?"
Katrina: "No, your setting's will be ok but you will not be able to bolus. You have to use a new POD."
Me: "Will you send me a new Pod? I just started using my current POD yesterday."
Katrina: "Sure."

I changed my POD and I still wasn't able to bolus

Me: "How come I can't bolus?"
Katrina: "You have to enter it manually the first time and after that it should pick up your setting's."
Me: "ok!"
Katrina: "Do you feel comfortable with using the OmniPod and Do you have any questions?"
Me: "No, thank you for your help."

I was checking my postmeal BG's and my bolus calculator still wasn't set up. GRRRR! I had to tell myself to calm down. I had to reset all of my bolus setting's on the PDM. I am glad I remembered my settings and VERY happy I had the manual or I would've been SOL and still on the phone with Katrina.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

1 Month OmniPod Anniversary

June 13, 2008 marked my 1 month Anniversary of becoming a OmniPod user. I am happy with the OmniPod. I am Blessed, I haven't had any Pod failures, deathly highs or lows. I am Blessed, someone was smart enough to come up with a system that allows the Freedom of No wires. I am Glad I don't have to give myself injections anymore. I have learned a lot with the Pod. I am not ashamed to say I still have alot to learn.

I've learned:

With the correct basal setting's my fasting numbers can be controlled. I understand my settings may need to be adjusted again; I just have to roll with the punch(thanks to my friends at

God will never put more on me than I can bare, stand still and be patient.


I am happy that I am an OmniPod user and I am loving every moment of it!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I changed my basal rate last night to .60 from 12-4am. Last night I had 2 salads w/ eggs and a little cheese, I also had 6 small wings. I woke up this morning hoping and wishing I would see something different, instead I saw something much higher, I haven't seen 156 in so long I thought it forgot about me....what the heck!!! I CAN'T GET MAD AT DIABETES...I AM FRUSTRATED WITH MYSELF...

Why did I double up on my BC pill's??? Am I that afraid of getting Prego??? lol, I'm not going to lie. I am not ready for another baby. I love my Daughter to death but no more babies right now.

I went to work and vomited by the entry way 4 times...Gross!!! Needless to say...I am at home sick...No shopping for me...I am hanging out w/ the TV, chicken noodle soup and the Internet.

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Sugar Fairy

LOL! I have to share a funny story. There is this lady I work with she is a diabetic (T2), she knows I am diabetic also. She was walking around the office passing out candy. The sugar fairy is what I will call her. She said,"Does anyone want candy? it's not sugar free". The Sugar fairy laid a few pieces on my co-workers desk. Then she placed a few on another co-workers desk. The Sugar Fairy made it to my desk; I was on the phone. She asked, "Would you like some candy? it's not sugar free." I let her know I didn't want any. She asked again. I waved her away. She said, "I guess you don't want any candy because it's not sugar free. I don't follow my diet." My thought is what makes you think I want to mess mines up...I don't get the Sugar fairy at all, she is trying to sprinkle me with sugar treats, has she lost her mind??? I can't say she doesn't know any better because she does. Too Darn Stubborn to follow the rules of trying to maintain her diabetes and preventing diabetes.

4 years and counting

Last night I was reading other blogs and I realized that this month is
when I found out I was a diabetic...time sure flies by when you are
having fun...LOL fun is lack of a better word for diabetes!

I have a very supportive husband! He cooks what I can eat and he tries
to stay away from the things I use to enjoy; he knows I'll be bumbed.

I can't believe 4 years ago...I walked into my Doc's office and found
out I was a diabetic. I cried. I went to the car, called my Mom and
cried. I knew I would be ok.

Now, I am doing good! I have slip ups every now and then, but who
I have come to terms with diabetes and you know what diabetes sucks
but I can't change what I have or who I am. I can change and help
prevent complications. I can take care of myself and I have a grasp of
diabetes and I still have a lot to learn. Diabetes is a inpatient
diease and it doesn't like to be cheated.

That's what I learned about diabetes...I'm sure I'll be learning a
whole lot more

Be Blessed
Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Bernard's Blog

Almost every diabetic site I visit or blog I go to, I see Bernard's Blog...So today I decided to visit his blog; I was amazed. His blog is truly a blessing for people who don't know 1 thing about diabetes. His site is also good for people who have diabetes and what to know about new technology and finding a cure. Heck, who knew you could do a1c testing in the privacy of your own home? I didn't...

I am glad I finally clicked on the link to his blog. I learned a lot and I know you will too!

Bug-a-boo Co-worker

Yesterday, when I was at work I pulled out my PDM to check my Bg's and bolus for breakfast. My new co-worker came up to me and said, "You too?". I am thinking what is this lady talking about you too. She came up to me and gave me a hug and said POOR BABY; mind you I just met this lady last week. I don't mean to be rude but come on...Please don't feel sorry for me, I don't. She said, " You have diabetes?". I let her know I did. She said, "You take insulin?". I said, "Yes." I placed the strip in my PDM and she said, "wow! you don't have to use that much blood?" by this time I am irritated, she was standing over my shoulder and my PDM read 150. She said,"Wow! that's high." I let her know that it was ok. I was controlled; I didn't want to tell her I take meds in the AM and it causes a slight increase in my bg's, after all that is none of her business.

I think the thing that ticked me off is after she told me my bg's were high, she reached over and grabbed a glazed donut! How can you tell me my BG's are high at 150 and you are eating a glazed donut, didn't check your bg's after you did it...what's up with that???


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Aunt Dottie

The past few mornings my fasting Bg's have been 100 or higher; which
is really too high for me! My Diabetic budddies over at
helped me figure it all out! It was Aunt Dottie all along. I was
worried and stressed out about nothing!!!
Aunt Dottie sure does cause major problems!!! I guess not just bad
Tudes but it can bring out the worst Bg's.

Be Blessed
Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What I learned today

Lesson 1: I will not be putting Polly Pod on my arm again. This morning I had to change my site for the Omnipod. I decided to place it on my arm; for me bad choice. I bumped it once, it stayed on. I bumped my arm a second time, this time against the door and Polly Pod almost fell off. I actually thought I liked it on my arm but I was

Lesson 2: Everyday at lunch I go for a walk, it's about 1 mile or 1.5 miles. I was walking w/ my friend and I realized I forgot to set my temp basal. My friend asked me if I wanted to go back. I don't her no I would be ok. Towards the end of our walk, I realized a made a huge mistake. I could feel my BG's drop. I also left my glucose tabs at the office...another bad mistake. Luckily, I made it back to my job w/ my BG's at 70; God was looking out for me. "Never for get the Temp Basal and glucose tabs while walking."


Picture: Scott (husband), Niya and Me